Notable Mention
A few months ago An Event Apart announced this years edition of the 10k competition, and so I set out to build another little 10k web application. And guess what? My entry is one of the Notable Mentions in the competition. That's not a win, but I did receive some books as a price, so that's sort of a win.

My entry, How Far to the Top of the World, uses geolocation to determine where you are and then calculates the distance between you and Mount Everest. I admit that it's not an application that is going to save the world, but it has been fun to make and I learned a few useful things about geolocation, Google Maps, SVG images and providing fall backs for geolocation fails and when JavaScript is not enabled.

The books I received as a price proofed to be very useful when building the application (I had already bought and read them as e-books earlier in the year) and I would recommend them to anyone serious about designing and building websites.

- Adaptive Web Design by Aaron Gustafson gives an overview of progressive enhancement and how to apply it to give users access to the content without technological restrictions.
- Responsive Web Design by Ethan Marcotte explains the fine art of responsive web design and guides you through the techniques and design principles needed to deliver a quality experience to your users regardless of the size of their display.
So there, I am a Notably Mentioned Web Designer.